Visual Methods

A four day course that introduces different perspectives and techniques in visual methods.


21.05.2019 kl. 10.00 - 24.05.2019 kl. 17.00


The course provides practical guidance for visual data collection and analysis, including such techniques as working with various visual props, image analysis, annotated drawings, photo-elicition, using first- and third-person video, among others. There will also be focused discussions of and feedback on students’ research projects, in relation to visual methods. As a whole the course makes the general argument that visual material can be used both as a powerful complement to traditional verbal and textual data, as well as a site of investigation in its own right. 

Teaching methods:

A combination of lectures, panel discussions, group work, practical exercises and small group discussions. 


 Deadline April 10 - please also send a max 1-page abstract on your research subject to


Day 1. Introduction to visual analysis

10.00-11.00 Introduction to and overview of visual methods - Brady Wagoner

11.00-12.30 Analyzing images: Hands-on activity of analyzing and discussing images in groups

12.30-13.30 Lunch

13:30-14:30 Lecture on analyzing images as historically rooted, societal discourse—Ignacio Bresco

14:30-15:00 Coffee break

15:00-17:00 Discussion of student projects


Berger, J (1972). Ways of Seeing. Penguin: London [166 pp].

Hakoköngäs, E. (20116). Banal Nostalgia: Shaping Collective Memories in Advertisements.  Psychology & Society, 8(1), 39-56 [18 pp].

Reavey, P. (2011). Visual methods in psychology. New York: Psychology Press (incl. ch. 1, 2, 4, 7, 22) [203 pp]


Day 2. Annotated drawings and photo elicitation

9.30-12:00 Lecture and exercises with annotated drawing methods, using empirical examples from research on zoos,  museums, mental maps of cities and creative work spaces—Eric Jensen and Brady Wagoner

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-15:00 The social life of images, including photo elicitation techniques – Sarah H. Awad

15:00-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-17:00 Street art walk: Practical exercise on analysing images in context


Awad, S. H. & Wagoner, B. (2018). Image Politics of the Arab Uprisings. In Wagoner, B., Moghaddam, F. & Valsiner, J. (Eds). The Psychology of Radical Social Change: From Rage to Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [20 pp]

Jensen, E. & Laurie, C. (2017). Doing Real Social Research. London: Sage (pages 296-301) [7 pp]

Lonchuk, M. & Rosa, A. (2011). Voices of graphic art images. In Märtsin, M., Wagoner, B., Aveling, E. L., Kadianaki, I., & Whittaker, L. (Eds), Dialogicality in focus: Challenges to theory, method and application. Nova Science Publishers. [17 pp] 

Radley, A. (2010). What people do with pictures, Visual Studies, 25, 267-279 [22 pp]


Day 3. Using and analyzing video, including the subjective camera methodology

9.30-12:00 Lecture on video analysis and subjective camera technology—Brady Wagoner and Ignacio Bresco

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-15:00 Discussion of student projects

15:30-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-17:00 Discussion of student projects


Bresco, I. & Wagoner, B. (in press). Studying collective memory and grief through modern memorials: A cultural psychology perspective. Estadios de Psicologia/Studies in Psychology [20 pp] 

Kusenbach, M. (2003). Street phenomenology. Ethnography, 4, 455-485. [30 pp] 

Lahlou, S. (2011). How can we capture the subject's perspective? An evidence-based approach for the social scientist. Social science information, 50(4), 607-655 [43 pp] 


Day 4. Using visual props, such as photography, drawing and modeling -- Paula Reavey

9.30-12:30 Lecture on visual methods in psychology, with empirical examples from her own work

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30 Taster sessions with visual props: photography, drawing and modeling. Connecting the choice of method to conceptual basis of the research. Space, embodiment, affect. In this practical session, students can attempt to generate a research proposal using a visual method, based either on their current project, or on a project provided by the session organiser. A range of areas will be offered. Students will present their proposals to the rest of the group.

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-17:00 General question and answer session and discussion. We can base this on themes suggested by the students, so that the discussion is relevant for them.


Reavey, P. & Johnson, K. (2017) Visual Methods: using and interpreting images, in C Willig & W. Stainton Rogers (eds) Sage Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Psychology. London: Sage. [41 pp]

Silver, J. & Reavey, P. (2010). ”He’s a good-looking chap aint he?”: Narrative and visualisations of self in body dysmorphic disorder. Social Science & Medicine, 70, 1641-1647. [7 pp]


DKK 500 (PhDs enrolled at AAU-HUM are not required to pay fee)


The PhD-programme in Cultural Psychology and Social Practices


Nordkraft, room 11.10, Teglgårds Plads 1

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10.04.2019 kl. 00.00

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