"Thinking through Creativity and Culture. Toward an Integrated Model." by Vlad Petre Glăveanu with a foreword by Jaan Valsiner

In this book Vlad Petre Glăveanu uses an approach based on cultural psychology to present creativity in lay terms and within everyday settings.

Lagt online: 28.07.2014

Creativity and culture are inherently linked. Society and culture are part and parcel of creativity's process, outcome, and subjective experience. Equally, creativity does not reside in the individual independent of culture and society. Thinking through Creativity and Culture explores the cultural psychology of creativity as a present and future discipline.

Vlad Petre Glăveanu's basic framework includes creators and community, from which new artifacts emerge and existing artifacts are developed. His research points to a relationship between self and other, new and old, specific for every creative act. Throughout the book, Glăveanu explores the Romanian practice of decorating eggs as an example to support his cultural framework. He uses an approach based on cultural psychology to present creativity in lay terms and within everyday settings.


Published in the "History and Theory of Psychology" Series.

More about "Thinking through Creativity and Culture. Toward an Integrated Model."

Vlad Petre Glăveanu is affiliated with Center for Qualitative Studies.